Book Reviews

The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism

Review #7: The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism by Timothy Keller. This is yet another one of my all-time favorites. In the first half of the book Keller lays out the major criticisms and doubts that modern skeptics have about faith and in particular Christianity. He takes on each criticism and provides the relevant Christian response. The criticisms include the belief that there can’t be just one true religion. He points out that historically, many of the major religions teach the one-religion philosophy and provides evidence that make the case that Christianity is that one true religion. The first half of the book is good but the second half is amazing!! Chapters 10 and 11 are the best!!! In the second half of the book Keller provides the reasons for faith and the evidence that Christianity is the one true religion. He describes the clues that there is a loving creator who made everything and everyone. One only has to look around at the beauty and joy of nature to wonder at their perfection. He probes into the basic and most important foundations of Christianity which of course begins with Jesus Christ. Keller explains why it was necessary for Jesus Christ to sacrifice himself for man’s sins and why the resurrection and cross are important building blocks for belief. Keller draws a distinction between Religion and the Gospel. In the paradigm of religion, we build our identity on our own moral achievement, we have confidence in ourselves when we are living up to our standards but then when we don’t live up to standards, we experience feelings of worthlessness and self-loathing. Right standing with God is based on moral effort. The motivation for following God is fear of losing God’s blessing. But, in the Gospel Paradigm, identity is built on God’s bestowal of value. I take on God’s view of me that I am BOTH valuable and worthy of respect AND depraved and morally corrupt. This leads to both deep humility AND great confidence. My right standing is based on God’s grace, and my motivation for following Him is a response to His profound love for me.