My Journal

My Lies

All of my life I have struggled with talking to people, making friends, and just being social in any way.  I tried so hard to understand why, because I really wanted to change but didn’t know how.  I thought maybe I was just born that way.  Maybe it was just the personality that I inherited.  I was just shy.  But then I started to doubt that, because in some situations I am a leader and very outgoing.  I started to believe that maybe the issue was just a lack of social skills.  I grew up in a family that did not talk at all.  Both my parents were very quiet and very solitary.  We never had company and we didn’t talk at all as a family.   Maybe I just had big gaps in my knowledge of normal social behavior.  When I started seeing a counselor, I realized how much more complicated the issue really was.  As a child I interpreted my parent’s behavior toward me and came to conclusions about my value and how to survive in the world.  I came up with some strategies that helped me through childhood but now sabotage every possibility of relationship.

I believed that my parents did not want me.  I felt rejected and abandoned by them.  I believed that they thought I was bad.  I believed that they saw me as a burden.  I concluded that I was not worth loving.

As a child, I thought that if people really knew me they would find out how worthless I was, so I didn’t risk reaching out for relationship. That way I could protect myself from ever having to experience rejection again.

I didn’t want to be a burden to anyone.

Burden; that is what I thought I was to everyone.

That is my number one agreement- I will never be a burden to anyone again.  I will never need love or anything from anyone.  And I will not push myself on anyone because I am a burden.  I will not put them in that position and I will not put myself in that position.

I thought the only way anyone would ever be my friend was out of pity and I didn’t want anyone’s pity.

I thought there was nothing good about me that anyone would want.

I never responded to peoples attempts to reach out to me because I didn’t want to impose my yucky self on anyone. I believed it was a matter of time before they found out, so I didn’t let them in.

I was convinced that I did not need any relationships, and that I was just fine without anyone.

I didn’t know that I had these commitments and beliefs buried deep inside, and that they were guiding everything.  It wasn’t conscious thought, it would just happen automatically, I would just shut down any communication with people.  But there was a whole other side of me that was becoming dissatisfied with not having relationships and I was beginning to recognize my loneliness.  And I hated that I could not talk to people or make friends.   But I didn’t know why it was so hard, but now I know.

I have learned that I gave my parents the power to define my value, and I am learning to take it back.  My value isn’t based on what anyone thinks of me.  My value is a gift from God and it is not dependent on anything that I do.

Since I have begun to believe the truth of my value, I have taken more risks.  I have joined bible study groups, and risked friendships, and put myself out there for people to reject.  The most amazing thing that has happened, is that instead of experiencing rejection, I have experienced acceptance. I didn’t think people would be able to see past my awkward behavior to the real me, but they can, and they still accept me.

My view of relationships has changed in a huge way.  I always acted like I didn’t need people and I could care less if anyone liked me or talked to me.  I developed a skill of invisibility.  I could get in and get out without ever being noticed.  If people reached out, I gave one word answers.  I thought “they don’t need me, and I don’t need them, and it doesn’t matter”.  Not only do I now believe that relationships are important, I believe that relationships are one of the most important things in life.  I believe that we were created for relationship.  I believe that I can benefit from knowing people and that they can benefit from knowing me.  People are valuable to me, and I am valuable to them.  We need each other.  We grow and thrive through human connection.  We were made to pour love and acceptance into the lives of others, and sadly I wasted most of my life so far being so busy protecting myself from pain that I didn’t have anything to give anyone. With God’s help I hope to change that.