Parenting / Passionate Legacy

Handling Habitual Breaking of Rules and Routines

We have been looking at 5 different types of misbehavior: disobedience, attention-getting, breaking rules and routines, deliberately hurting others, and wrong behavior rooted in real problems. So far we have covered disobedience and attention-getting behaviors. We now come to the third of these: breaking rules and routines.

Rules and routines are expectations of family members that are clear and have been taught over the years. We keep some of ours printed out and posted at strategic locations throughout the house (we did this even before the kids could read!). These are things that kids know about, but tend to ‘forget’ over and over again. Examples are: not finishing school work, not cleaning up toys, leaving a bike out, leaving a mess in the kitchen, forgetting to feed the pet, and not taking out the garbage. These can often result in a power struggle between a parent and a child that builds tension and can be very damaging over time. To begin to eliminate these behaviors, the parents need to set up an environment where the child can experience the natural or logical consequences of such behavior. In this article, we will focus on logical consequences. These accomplish a main goal that we have mentioned many times: put the tension where it belongs: between the child and the behavior, rather than between the child and the parent.

Here are some tips for developing some natural consequences to address this type of behavior:

1. Decide which behavior you want to change. Don’t try to tackle everything at once. Pick the one that is causing the most problems and work on that, then move on to other things. Recently we had an issue with leaving a Kool-aid mess in the kitchen, so we will use that as an example. (This is obviously for older children, the same core concepts would be applied to younger children.)

2. Determine the most logical consequences for the action. This should be as fair and reasonable as possible, otherwise it will be perceived by the child as punishment or personal revenge. It should be set up so the inherent logic and life experience will do the teaching. For our example, we would say, “If we find powder on the counter or Kool-aid drops around the kitchen, you will not be allowed to make Kool-aid for a certain period of time.” My tone of voice and demeanor communicate that “I am not mad and you’re not in trouble, this is just the natural order of things.”

3. The consequences should put the discomfort on the child not the parent. If my child has a habit of leaving his coat on the floor by the door every day after school and I choose to remind and nag him to hang it up, then I am taking on the burden and putting the tension between me and him. If I simply set up a logical consequence: “If your coat is left on the floor, you will lose a certain amount of allowance,” then there is no argument or anger or tension. If I see the coat, I just write on the dri-erase board, the child’s name and “-$1 coat”. I don’t want to take away allowance, I am on his side, I am his greatest cheerleader in getting victory over “forgetting to use the coat-hook.” But I don’t say anything, I let the consequences do the teaching.

4. Follow through. Be consistent. Not carrying out the logical consequences teaches the child that your word is meaningless. Even if a child seems very sorry and promises never to do it again, the consequence should be carried out. If a child can avoid consequences by being cute, they will practice charm instead of appropriate behavior and grow up to expect others to absorb the results of their poor choices.

5. The child should be able to “earn back” freedoms and privileges. “When we see that you are able to clean up your mess, you can starting making Kool-aid again.” This also teaches them the natural and logical order of things in the real world. When you are responsible, you are allowed to have freedoms that are given to responsible people.

Logical consequences give children the gift of experiencing a taste of life in the real, grown up world in a controlled environment, mixed with the patience and love of someone on their side.

In the next article, we will be looking at how to handle hurtful and destructive behavior.

Parenting / Passionate Legacy

Handling Attention-Getting Behavior

We have been looking at 5 different types of misbehavior: disobedience, attention-getting, breaking rules and routines, deliberately hurting others, and wrong behavior rooted in real problems. In the last post we looked at the first of these: disobedience. Now we come to the second: attention-getting behaviors.

There is a long list of things that children do to get attention: whining, arguing, throwing fits (falling on the floor or kicking and screaming), pestering other kids, crying without reason, not responding to an adult when spoken to, demanding parents or adults to do things for them, interrupting, saying “you don’t love me,” or “I don’t love you,” answering every response with the question, “why?” when they are not really interested in the answer, and the list goes on. What distinguishes these behaviors is not the behavior itself, but the motivation: to get attention. As you can see, the severity of these behaviors spans a wide range.

There is a two step process for dealing with attention-getting behavior that deals with the core of the issue. The first step is to ignore the behavior. The second step is to be used when the child’s behavior begins to infringe on the rights of other people, and that is to set up the either-or-choice.

Before I begin this process, I will usually let the child know what they are doing wrong and, if possible, the appropriate action to take. For example, “You are whining right now and I am not going to respond, if you would like to ask for something properly, then go ahead.” Or, “This conversation is now turning into an argument, and I am not going to argue.”

Ignoring a child’s attention-getting behavior is a lot more difficult than it sounds. It requires giving the child no attention at all: no words, no facial expressions, no eye-contact, no body language, nothing. Pretend like they are not even in the room. This can be very difficult if the child is throwing a fit, but if you have ever been ignored, then you know how powerful this can be. You must go about your business and even have a good time, remember: you are in control of your own attitude and emotions. Over time, the child will realize that the behavior does not accomplish their goal of getting your attention.

When this does not eliminate the behavior, or the child escalates to infringing on the rights of others, the second step is to give him an either-or-choice. This is not punishment and you are not angry, you are just going to create a situation in which their behavior does not affect others and you can continue to ignore it. For example, “You can either choose to stop whining, or you can go to your room and whine there,” or “You can either choose to stop pestering your brother, or you can go to your room.” You are not giving them a command at this point, there is no anger or power struggle. They have the choice. If they do not either stop the behavior or go to their room, then you will have to assist them (see previous post on the “kinetic assist”).

These steps are a teaching process and learning a new behavior takes time. Being consistent and remembering not to sabotage the process by giving attention, or becoming angry or emotional will help the learning take place.

Parenting / Passionate Legacy

Handling Disobedience

In the last post, I introduced 5 different types of misbehavior: disobedience, attention-getting, breaking rules and routines, deliberately hurting others, and wrong behavior rooted in real problems. Today we look at how to respond to the first of these, disobedience. There are two tools in the hands of parents that are very useful for dealing with simple disobedience.

The first one is what I call the kinetic assist. Kinetic means “motion” or “causing to move.” The kinetic assist is helpful when a small child is learning to obey simple commands such as, “come here,” “pick up the toys,” and “bring that book here.” Think of this as a teaching tool to help your child learn to follow your instructions the first time. Sometimes this can be as simple as walking over to a child (your motion effecting their response), sometimes it may be putting a hand on a shoulder helping the child do what is instructed (causing the motion), and other times it may be physically picking a child up and moving them to the required location. The idea is, you are using your motion to cause their motion. You do this with as little force as is necessary.

For example, you tell little Suzie, “come here,” and she continues to sit and play, or says, “no, I’m busy right now.” You calmly restate the instruction, “Suzie, I said come here now.” She is silent. Without any emotion you walk over to the child, place a hand on her shoulder and direct her to come over to where she was asked. There is no need for anger of frustration, or even any more words at this point. You are just teaching that when you give an instruction, you are going to make sure that it is carried out. If you are not willing to get up and make sure the child obeys, then don’t give the instruction.

Your attitude during and after the kinetic assist is key to establishing the tone of the relationship. There is no anger, no lecturing, no “holding anything against them.” You simply go back to whatever it was you were doing before, treating the child as if nothing ever happened. This way they know it was the behavior that was disagreeable, not him or her as a person.

The second tool to correct disobedience is spanking. As foster parents, we were not allowed to use spanking so we had to work very hard on all the other tools for correction and instruction, but with our own children, I believe we were able to use it effectively. Some parents may shy away from spanking for a variety of reasons, but I believe, when used properly, it can be done appropriately, respectfully and effectively. Proverbs 22:15 says, “Folly is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of discipline will drive it far from him.” Understood properly, spanking is a tool for helping change the heart attitude of a child.

When a child fails to obey an instruction and the kinetic assist does not seem appropriate or useful for that circumstance, or if the child becomes more blatantly defiant, say to the child in a calm and controlled voice, “you are choosing to not obey Daddy, I am going to give you a spanking so that you will learn to obey.” Take the child to their room and administer one or more swats from your hand to their bottom. I am being very specific here so that you understand clearly what I mean (and don’t mean) by spanking. After the spanking has been administered, nothing more needs to be said about the offense. If the child has a task to complete, they may be given a couple minutes to stop crying, wash up, and then come back and complete the task. If not, you can just say, “You may come out of your room when you are ready.” When the child returns, once again, your attitude is key to establishing the tone of the continued relationship. The child should know that you love him, you have forgiven him for the offense, and that you are not going to “rub his face in it” or shame him.

Here are some further guidelines that should direct the use of spanking:

  • NEVER spank in anger. If you are angry, wait until you are in control of your emotions before you administer the spanking.
  • Spanking is a teaching tool, not a way for a parent vent frustration.
  • Don’t think of spanking as a last resort, it should be used as a direct response to blatant defiance.
  • Spanking should never be done in public or in front of others, even the other children. A public spanking allows shame to enter the picture and shame should never be a part of any corrective measure.
  • I recommend not spanking on a “bare bottom,” a diaper or clothing should be left in place. Once again, shame has no place in discipline. I would also recommend spanking on the bottom only, and never the head or face.
  • Never spank with a belt, and I recommend never spanking with any object.

The kinetic assist and the appropriate use of spanking are two tools to use when a child is disobedient. Next time, we look at how to respond to attention-getting behavior.

Parenting / Passionate Legacy

Have a Plan for Discipline Part 1

It happens to all of us as parents. We are at a loss for how to deal with a child’s behavior. Is it a time out, a spanking, a lecture, take away a privilege, give an explanation, ignore them, physically move the child to another room, put him on restriction … what is the right consequence for a particular behavior and how do I administer it most effectively?!

We have now come to Passionate Legacy Principle #6: Have a plan for discipline. Learn what consequences should be applied to which behaviors, so that when the situation arises you are prepared to act decisively.

Before we can respond with the best possible discipline we must first understand what type of behavior is causing the problem. In this post, we will examine FIVE types of inappropriate behavior and in upcoming articles we will look at effective ways of dealing with each one.

The first is disobedience. The child simply does not comply with something a parent is telling her to do. “It’s time to go home now,” says the parent, and the child simply ignores it. Dad says, “Put the toy away, please,” and little Suzie responds with a very polite “No. I’m not done playing.” Mom explains, “You may not take the cracker into the living room, we keep our snacks at the table,” and Joey keeps walking with the cracker toward the TV. This type of situation may be very calm and cool or they may escalate into angry defiance with screaming and tears, but the basic behavior is the same: the child refuses to do what he is being told by the parent to do. This is disobedience and this is more common with younger children who are beginning to assert their own self-will.

Next is attention-getting-behaviors. These are things a child does to bring them lots of attention. Whining, arguing for no apparent reason, throwing a fit, asking lots of questions that they know the answer to, pestering a sibling, being bossy to other children or even adults, or yelling things like “I hate you!” are all examples of attention-getting-behaviors.

Third is breaking rules and routines. Where disobedience is not obeying a direct request at the time it is given, breaking rules and routines is when a child fails to comply with something they should not have to be reminded to do. Examples are: failing to do homework, not getting off to school on time, not cleaning up after oneself, going into off-limits places, not completing homework on time, and playing on the computer past the time limit. This type of behavior is more easily recognized and more common with older children. Many parents fall into the pattern of constantly reminding or nagging the child to do what they know is expected, and it feels like the parent is working harder than the child.

Next is deliberately hurting others. Other destructive or aggressive behavior could be placed in this category as well, like throwing toys or yelling at another person in a fit of rage. Sometimes a child might even hurt themselves. Although pestering a sibling might be an attempt to get attention, especially if it is only when a parent is around, violent and aggressive behavior toward a sibling would fall into this category.

The last category is wrong behavior rooted in real problems. In this category there is a real problem, need or conflict in which a child needs help, but do not know the proper way to get the help or solve the problem. A child has a legitimate need, say hunger, and whines to try to meet that need, “I—-I’m Huuuuungry.” Or he has a conflict with another child over a toy and it leads to a fight. They are not trying to get attention or disobey, they need help resolving a real life problem.

So, the five types of inappropriate behavior are:

1. Disobedience

2. Attention Getting

3. Rule and Routine Breaking

4. Deliberately Hurting Others

5. Wrong Behavior Rooted in Real Problems

Next time, we will begin to look at specific forms of discipline and responses to each of these types of behavior.

Parenting / Passionate Legacy

Q & A: Getting Out of Bed in the Morning

The following question came to me in an email:

“In the morning (6:30 AM) our child does not want to get up! He whines and complains and is very grouchy, even though he went to bed on time the night before (8:00 PM). After being called 5 or 6 times he finally gets out of bed and then starts picking fights with the other kids!”

About a week after I got this email, we had the same exact situation in our house with an 8 year old foster daughter. I had to wake her up several times each morning. One morning I woke her up and when I checked 10 minutes later, her bed was empty, so I assumed she was in the bathroom getting ready. When it was about 5 minutes before time to leave for school, I found her, still in her pajamas, sleeping on the floor by her closet!

Logical consequences should be applied for the child who doesn’t want to get up in the morning and remember, the tension is between the child and the consequences. You are on her side, you are her ally, you are just the messenger of the logical consequences so don’t get sucked into a battle, it is not your battle to fight!

Over dinner, or sometime during the evening, sit the child down and explain to him that “we are going to be taking some steps” to insure that he gets the proper amount of sleep at night. Each morning he will be woken up and told that it is time to get up. (Be sure he is really awake, some children – not to mention adults! – can look like they are awake, but still be mostly asleep. Pull back the covers, rub his back, kiss him, pick him up, tickle him, whatever you do, but it should be POSITIVE, not a rude awakening.) After that, if he doesn’t get up and get ready with a good attitude, then he obviously didn’t get enough sleep the night before, so bed time the next night will be 10 minutes earlier. Be true to your word. On the first day, if he doesn’t get up when told, bed time is 10 minutes earlier. If you give “chances,” then you are showing the child that you are NOT a person of your word! The second time, 10 more minutes earlier. No lectures, no yelling, no arguments, no emotion. The consequences speak for themselves, and the child is in complete control of his future bed times. The third time, 10 more minutes earlier. You do this every time, even if it means he is going to bed at 6 PM, or earlier! If he goes a week without problem, bed time can be pushed back 10 minutes until it reaches the original time.

We did this with the 8 year old girl mentioned above and she did great! She didn’t want to lose any playtime in the evening, so she got right up in the morning!

The beauty of this example is that it sets a pattern in the life of the child to learn how to have self-discipline (getting myself out of bed) rather than following the “path of least resistance” (sleeping in). This skill will pay off in huge ways in the future in so many areas!

Parenting / Passionate Legacy

First Time Obedience Part II

Last time we talked about the importance of “First Time Obedience,” and we began a list of tips for parents to help develop the habit of first time obedience. Here is a quick review of the first four tips and a description of four more …

1. Use a positive tone of voice. A positive tone of voice lets children know you respect them.

2. Give lead time, if possible. Give some advance notice that you are going to want something to happen soon.

3. If at all possible, give a choice. By saying to the child, “You can choose to do either this or that,” you empower the child and give him or her a sense of control.

4. If you cannot give a choice, sometimes you can describe the facts of the situation. For example: “It’s time to go home.” or “The table is not for sitting on.”

5. Be reasonable in the type and number of choices or commands you give. You will have to be the judge of how many commands per day are reasonable, but remember, the fewer commands you give the more likely the child will take notice when you do give a command. As the child grows toward puberty, you should need to give fewer and fewer commands. The older the child, the more areas of life should be in his or her own area of control. We do not own children. Any command that orders children around just because the adult wants to wield power over them is not reasonable. Any command that tries to force a bodily function on the child is also unreasonable, “Eat that food” or “Stop wetting your bed” are unreasonable commands.

6. The fewer words the better. Be as brief as possible. Give only one, or at most two commands at a time. Giving too many commands at once is confusing. “Gary, go upstairs and bring me a diaper for the baby, and on your way, turn off those bathroom lights, and when you’re done with that, you can either take the letters on the hallway table out to the mailbox before we watch Sesame Street or before lunch.” This kind of command is too hard to remember even for a very intelligent child. Keep it short, clear and simple. A one word command is sometimes the best. Rather that telling a five year old who knows better to pick up her coat and put in on the rack, simply point at the coat and say “coat,” in an authoritative yet not angry voice. A single word is hard to argue with.

7. Be sure you can follow through with the correction, otherwise do not give the command or choice. If you are in a public place, like the grocery store or at a school play, and you know you will be too embarrassed to carry out the correction, do not give the command. You must be consistent in carrying out the correction the first time the child does not mind. It is better to not give the command than to sabotage yourself by commanding and then not seeing it through.

8. Do not respond to self–indulgent behavior. Concentrate on dealing with the not-minding behavior. Do not let the child’s accusation, complaints, whining, name calling, or scolding deflect you from carrying out the correction for not-minding. You will sabotage yourself if you get hooked into responding in any way to the self-indulgent behavior.

When these tips become habits, they promote first time obedience in children. They are a starting point and form the general foundation for expectations of behavior. In the next post, we will get more specific about how to administer discipline when first time obedience does not happen. We will be looking at the four categories of disobedience and how to specifically address each one with the appropriate discipline.

Parenting / Passionate Legacy

Expect First Time Obedience

For the last couple of posts we have been focusing on older children and the transition from “rules” alone to “principles” to live by. This week we turn our attention back to younger kids and pick up with Passionate Legacy Principle #5: Expect First Time Obedience.

I have seen it too many times. A parent calling for a child to come to them, or giving a command over and over and over again, only to be ignored by little Suzie. This usually ends in frustration and a lost temper OR a passive ignoring of the disobedience. The first sends the message that the parent is not in control of himself, the child, or the situation and the second sends the message that your word is meaningless. Both result in loss of respect from the child and continued disobedience. To prevent this, a parent must teach and consistently expect first time obedience.

Always ensure that your word is obeyed. Expect first time obedience without argument, bad attitude or having to give several “reminders” (aka nagging). Do not accept partial obedience. Don’t limit your children with your own low expectations, they will live up to the standard you set, whether low or high. Make your word valuable by enforcing the rules, if you don’t, your word means nothing and your rules are meaningless. Your follow-through will make your words either garbage or gold. Never give a command you don’t intend to enforce. This concept of first time obedience is more difficult for parents than for children, but if we can train ourselves to be consistent with our follow-through, our children can learn to obey the first time.

If a child does not obey when they are told to do something, it will be necessary to use the proper discipline. Please see the post: Be Prepared with the Proper Discipline for a step by step explanation of proper discipline procedure for a small child. Please see the post: See Discipline as Teaching, for some ideas for older children. The tips listed below will help in almost any situation or age.

Don’t allow ‘misunderstanding’ to be an excuse for disobedience. In these cases, use consequences as the tool for teaching (e.g. bike in driveway = lose bike the rest of the day to “help you remember next time”). In cases like this remember, “you’re not in trouble and I’m not mad. I want you to have your bike, I am on your side. Losing your bike for a day is just to help you remember to put it away next time.”

Here are the first four tips for developing the habit of First Time Obedience:

1. Use a positive tone of voice. A positive tone of voice lets children know you respect them. Even describing information (“it’s time for bed”), if delivered in a harsh tone of voice, can invite a power struggle.

2. Give lead time, if possible. Give some advance notice that you are going to want something to happen soon. For example, “In five minutes it will be time to start picking up the blocks,” or “In ten minutes we need to be ready to leave for Grandma’s.” Giving lead time is a way of showing respect for the child’s activities and is much more likely to result in cooperation when you say, “It’s time to go.” (And remember, when you say it’s time to go, that means you too! Don’t stand in the doorway and talk for another half hour after you made the kids put all the toys away and put coats and shoes on.)

3. If at all possible, give a choice. By saying to the child, “You can choose to do either this or that,” you empower the child and give him or her a sense of control. However, the choices you offer must be legitimate choices that you can live with. Examples: “You can either go to bed right now or hear a story and then go to bed.” “Would you like to play for 10 more minutes before we go or go right now?” “You can play without pushing or you can sit out for part of the game.” Never give a choice where there is no choice, and do not ask children if they want to do it. For example “Do you want to go to bed now?” or “Let’s go to bed, okay?” By asking children if they want to, or if it’s okay, you have given them the choice of not going to bed. It is not fair to expect a child to mind when you have not given a clear command. An important point: If children refuse to act on either choice, you must make the choice for them. If the child refuses to move, you can step in to use the proper discipline.

4. If you cannot give a choice, sometimes you can describe the facts of the situation. For example: “It’s time to go home.” or “The table is not for sitting on.” Another example: a two year old boy was grabbing all the cards from his three year old brother while their mother unsuccessfully tried to persuade the two year old to share. Finally the grandmother simply said, “Those cards belong to your brother.” Immediately the younger child dropped his brother’s cards and went off to do something else.

Next week we will continue with more tips for achieving first time obedience.

Parenting / Passionate Legacy

The “Responsibility-Trust-Freedom” Chain Reaction

Last time, we talked about how, as our kids get close to the teen years, we need to be teaching them “biblical principles to live by,” in addition to the “rules” they are to obey. This week, we will explore how we can help our pre-teens and teens get one of the things that they most desperately want. What is it they want so badly? Ah, yes … FREEDOM. Think about it for a minute. If you have a teen at home or if you can remember back to your teen years, you know that freedom is an extremely important commodity during this time of life. It is also a commodity that is often mishandled by parents. It is either given too much, or withheld altogether, or it is never clear to the parent or child the proper role that it plays in life.

Our goal is to give our kids ever increased freedom as they become more prepared to leave the nest. Many parents give too much freedom in the elementary years, and when try to tighten things up in the teen years, they find that this leads to a lot of conflict in the home. So they withhold even more freedom during those teen years, and then, when the kids go off to college, they suddenly have all kinds of freedom, but no wisdom in how to use it. And many parents have seen the disastrous results of this!

So how do we teach our kids to handle freedom properly? By teaching them that freedom only comes through trust, and that trust only comes through responsible actions and attitudes, and living by the four principles that we discussed in the last post. Jesus taught a parable about several servants who were given money to utilize while their master was on a journey (read Matthew 25:14-30). He comments to the wise servants, “you have been faithful with a few things, I will give you many things.” And to the one who acts foolishly with what he had been given, the master takes it away. The same principle of “faithful in the small things” should be applied to giving our kids freedom … and THEY SHOULD KNOW IT! It should be no secret to your 12 year old that everything they do (and the attitude with which they do it) in the coming years will either lead to increased or decreased freedoms.

At present, my kids are earning back the freedom to make Kool-Aid. A month ago, they got really into making Kool-Aid on their own. We found powder on the counters and colored drips and splashes on the floor, fridge door, fridge interior, kitchen cupboards, etc. So, they lost that freedom. I was very clear with them that as they learn to clean up after themselves, they will earn back the privilege of making Kool-Aid. I WANT them to have this privilege and freedom. I am on their side and on their team and I want them to succeed at this goal of getting this back! It is important that they know this. (By the way, we don’t make Kool-Aid for them, the colorful packages of powder lay dormant in the drawer, waiting for the day they will be used.)

Some things are rights, some things are privileges. Rights are given no matter what (for example, food, clothing, shelter and the right to your own opinion), but privileges can be gained or lost. Privileges are gained in accordance with the amount of trust that is earned through cooperation, respect and acting with integrity and responsibility. Privileges are lost when trust is lost through disrespect, lack of responsibility, dishonesty or manipulation.

Living by the principles that we talked about it the last post: Respect, Truth, Responsibility and Purity, leads to trust which leads to increased privileges and freedom. Teaching this concept also prepares the for the real world where (usually) when we are faithful in the small things, we are entrusted with greater things.

Parenting / Passionate Legacy

“We’re not in Kansas anymore, Toto.”

Yesterday, Sandra and I attended a 6th grade graduation ceremony for our daughter and foster daughter, and next Tuesday will be their last day as elementary school students. They are now being launched into the wonderful world of Junior High. Jean Piaget became famous in the realm of child psychology for his theories of developmental stages in children. He would say that right now, they are going through a transition from the “concrete-operational” stage to “formal-operational” stage. They will begin thinking more and more in abstract concepts and less in concrete terms, they will begin showing more logical reasoning skills, and drawing their own conclusions from information they receive. Whether you agree with him or not, any parent will tell you that the transition from pre-teen to teen and from elementary school to Junior High is a time of incredible and profound change!

This is a point where we begin to teach them more “principles to live” by instead of just “rules” alone. So, Sandra is putting together a series of devotionals to teach to the kids, which cover the following principles.

1. The principle of Respect. Respect for each other (the way we speak and act toward one another), respect for each other’s time, respect for each other’s property and privacy, respect for authority (use the “appeals process” if there is a question about what is being asked … look for a description of the “appeals process” in an upcoming post).

2. The principle of Truth. Being completely honest in words and having integrity in actions, being honest in who we are: not changing the way we act and talk based on who we are with.

3. The principle of Responsibility. We all take responsibility for ourselves, our part in the household. Taking care of your room, helping with dishes and other things as requested. Keeping our own things in our own rooms, cleaning up after ourselves, if you take something out – put it away. This also includes acting responsibly in all choices and actions (no excuses), being on time, communicating where we are going to be, being where we say we are going to be.

4. Principle of Purity. Some people ask, “how much can I get away with and still be a Christian?” we want to ask, “How much can I honor God and love Him?” The principle of purity should be applied to the way we relate to the opposite sex, the way we dress, the way we talk, the things we look, the things we read, the things we watch and the things we listen to.

We keep this list of principles to live by posted in our house, along with how living by these principles will help them gain trust which leads to freedom. Tune in next week for a tip on giving your teens and pre-teens the tools to earn your trust and experience the freedom that they so desperately want.

Parenting / Passionate Legacy

Clear and Consistent

Have you ever played a game with someone who kept changing the rules? Have you ever worked for a boss who was unclear about what was expected of you? Or what was acceptable at one time was now all of a sudden unacceptable? This can be frustrating at best and exasperating at worst. And yet, many times we as parents exasperate our own children and sabotage our discipline through lack of clarity in rules and inconsistency in enforcement.

Ephesians 6:4 says, “Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.”

This leads us to Passionate Legacy Principle #4: Make the rules of the house clear and consistent. Have only a few rules that are clear to everyone and enforce them without fail. They should be written, posted, and reviewed often. Choose your “hills to die on” and stick with them. Don’t make rules just for your convenience, every rule should have a strong basis for its existence, whether safety, morality, or respect for others.

Are you exasperating your children by allowing them to break rules sometimes, but not other times? Which of your rules do you tend to enforce inconsistently? Are they sometimes punished for running in the house, but other times you are just too tired to try to enforce that rule?

Is your list of rules so long that no one would be able to remember them all? What are the rules of your house? Do you and your spouse agree on them? Do you agree on punishments for breaking each one?

We have a list of rules that we keep posted on our fridge as a reminder to all of us. Here is what it looks like:

The _________________ Family Rules

1. Love God and Love others

2. Obey the first time

3. Do not hurt (use your words or get a grown up)

4. To not take

5. Do not lie

6. Do not argue with Mom or Dad

7. Do not whine

8. Do not yell at others

9. Do not say hurtful words

10. If you get something out, put it away when you are done

As kids get older, they need to be reminded of the principles behind the rules (that you have been teaching them verbally all along). Here is a sample list of rules for older kids and teens that is more principle-based.

The __________________ Family Rules

1. Love God and love others

2. Be cooperative in attitude and actions (obey without argument)

3. Be honest

4. Be respectful

5. Be responsible (at home and at school)

6. Clean up after yourself

We have a more complete list of rules for young kids and principles for teens that includes Scripture verses and explanations to be covered with your children available by clicking THIS LINK.

I encourage you to download this document, adapt it to your family, put your family name on the top and print it and post it in your home. Review it regularly with your kids and just see what happens!