God’s Love Gives Us Life
God’s love is the source of life. Without it we die. The lies that we believe lead us to live in ways that cause difficult relationships, pain, and loneliness, but when we go to God as the source of Life, he fills us with everything we need.
When we experience the love, grace, and acceptance of God, our hearts are transformed and our true identities are revealed. We begin to understand who we really are.
You are a chosen, valuable, deeply loved child of God. As you become secure in your identity, your life will simply flow out of an overwhelming sense of assurance of who you are as a fully loved person. And you will begin to live more and more according to God’s original design and purpose.
Through God’s love we are restored to who we were created to be, and reconciled to life the way it was created to work. His love fills us so that we have an overflow of his love to pass on. We were made to be filled by his love; we were made to be loved alive.